A Commitment to your Health 


Please note that we are taking the utmost measures to ensure a safe treatment.



Arrive no more than 5 minutes prior

Please arrive no more than 5 minutes ahead of your appointment, as the waiting room area is off-limits during this time.


Masks are required at all times

Both you and I will have masks on for the duration of the appointment.


Temperature will be taken on arrival

A temperature check will be required on arrival


HEPA Filter & Air Circulation

A HEPA filter has been placed in the studio space to ensure well-filtered air. Windows opened to let in fresh air between patients.


Strict Sanitization Measures

The studio is fully sanitized and all surfaces wiped down with hospital-grade disinfectants.


Reschedule if you’re feeling unwell

If you are experiencing a cough, fever, or loss of taste and smell, please reschedule your appointment.